FFF Family Turkey Recipe

FFF Family Turkey Recipe


1 FFF Turkey and giblets 


2 large carrots cut into 1 inch pieces 

2 large celery sticks cut into 1 inch pieces

1 large yellow onion roughly chopped

5 whole garlic cloves 

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons pepper

2 tablespoons olive oil


1 stick of softened butter

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons pepper

1 tablespoon of chopped fresh rosemary

1 tablespoon of chopped fresh thyme 

3-5 garlic cloves cut into slices

1.5 cups vinegar

**As always, feel free to adjust as you wish!

1. Place your Turkey in the fridge 2-3 days before cooking to defrost, or in a sink with water for about 10 hours.
2. The night before cooking, remove the giblets and rinse out the Turkey. Rub salt (and any other of your favorite spices) on all external surfaces of the Turkey skin, and place in the fridge uncovered overnight. Alternatively, fill up a large pot with water and mix in salt to about a 1 Gallon water : 1 Cup Salt solution (Plus any other spices you like), and leave in the fridge overnight. The salt brine helps to dry the Turkey skin out to make it more crispy.
3. On the morning of cooking, remove your Turkey from the fridge and place on the counter with enough time to reach room temperature (around 2 hours). Preheat oven to 350°F (roast setting).
4. Rinse the Turkey inside and out and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the giblets into smaller pieces and place in a big bowl with chopped carrots, celery, onion, and whole garlic cloves. Toss in olive oil and salt and pepper and then place back inside the Turkey.
5. Place the Turkey in a large roasting pan. Pour the white vinegar or apple cider vinegar all over the turkey. Mix together the softened butter, fresh herbs, salt and pepper. Spread the butter and herb mixture all over the turkey and underneath the skin.
7. Cover with tin foil and place in oven for about 3-6 hours (Depending on the size of your Turkey) or until internal temperature reads 145°F. Remove the foil and raise the oven to 400°F so that the skin turns golden and crispy. Cook for about 45 mins or until the internal temperature reads 155°F at the thickest part.
8. Remove from oven and let rest for at least 30 mins.
9. While the Turkey rests use the turkey giblets and veggies from the cavity and the drippings from the pan to make your gravy.
10. Once the Turkey has rested and your Gravy is ready, Carve, Serve and Enjoy!



Going to follow your recipe this TG — just read through it and it sounds delicious and one that emanates success! I will let you know how it turned out.

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