Butter & Garlic Specialty Steak

Butter & Garlic Specialty Steak



Family Friendly Farms Specialty Steak
Salt & pepper
Fresh or dried rosemary
Drizzle of olive oil
Fresh garlic

  1. Defrost on counter until meat is room temperature.
  2. Take out of package, rinse in cold water, then pat steaks dry with paper towel.
  3. Pound both sides of steak with a meat tenderizer and trim as desired.
  4. Rub a little bit of olive oil onto both sides of steak.
  5. Sprinkle both sides with desired amount of salt and pepper.
  6. Put butter into a cast iron or sauté pan to melt (on low heat).
  7. Press or dice desired amount of garlic and place in butter with rosemary (or other desired spices).
  8. After the garlic and spices have sizzled for about two minutes place meat into the pan to cook slowly on low heat.
  9. Once the Steak reaches about 110 degrees F internal, remove from the heat and pour out most of the butter sauce. Raise the temperature to medium high, and add the steak back into the pan to sear, about 2 minutes per side.
  10. Once done, remove from the heat and let the steak rest for at least 5 minutes.
  11. Then place your steak alongside your preferred veggies and rice, drizzle with the butter sauce from the pan, and enjoy your deliciously healthy meal!

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