Our 2023 Highlights
It's been a big year for us here at Family Friendly Farms, so we want to highlight this past year's accomplishments to keep you in the loop on our progress. We desire to continually improve our products and services, while maintaining close relationships with you all...

January 2023
Social Media + Marketing
Building on our Social Media outreach, Karen continues to grow our online community and share our farming life with you in a more accessible way.

March 2023
Website Revamp
Seven years after our initial online store launch, it was time for a refresh of our website! Along with updating our graphics, copy, and shopping experience, we also introduced our subscription program and upgraded our Healthy Meat Buyer's Club.

April 2023
Operations Manager
After a brief time away for college and marriage, Zach Zeiter moved back to Our Lady's Ranch with his wife and daughter, living in the original Cottage the Zeiter's first moved into back in 2004. Zach now manages the sales and operations of Family Friendly Farms :)

May 2023
Farm Event #1: Planting the Garden
We wanted to plant a big community garden for everyone to enjoy this year, so we invited our family, friends, and customers to enjoy this wonderful, sunny day with us. We shared food, faith, and farming together for a bonding experience that remains in our hearts.

July 2023
A Destination Wedding
Phil and Karen married on the beautiful Caribbean island of Roatan, surrounded by family and friends. All eight of Phil's children and Karen's two girls are pictured above at the site of the reception!

October 2023
Farm Event #2: Turkey Harvest
We actually had three different Thanksgiving Turkey Harvesting parties where friends and customers drove out to participate in the day-long event. Some even stayed overnight for the full homesteading experience!

November 2023
Farm Event #3: Olive Harvest
We picked over 2,000 lbs of olives this year with more help from family and friends. The single-day event yielded a whopping 40 gallons of olive oil and we can't wait to share it with you!
2024 Future Plans

1. More farm events
2. New refrigerated delivery van
3. New dry ice machine for shipping packages
4. Upgrading our packaging with better temperature control
5. Plans finalized and building permit for our new onsite butcher shop