Introducing Our Lady's Ranch Ministry!
Hi Everyone -
Our last post hinted at a new project that we are very passionate about and we want to share it with you. We say "new," but really this ministry has been blooming in our hearts and minds for over 25 years now, well before Family Friendly Farms began.
FFF was initially founded in 2010 with our first Farmer's Market in Grass Valley, but we first purchased Our Lady’s Ranch back in February of 2000... And what you see in the photo above is not what it looked like back then. The photo shows the blood, sweat, and tears of parents, kids, and friends working together over a few decades. We took a property that was essentially an old car graveyard with unexploded shells from WWII training exercises, and returned it to God's original creation.
Many of you are aware of our enjoyment of the Catholic Faith as we even named the ranch for Our Lady, who is the mother of Jesus. And also, back in our days of Farmer's Markets, we placed a bowl on the table filled with Miraculous Medals for visitors to have as a gift, if they so wished. Now that simple bowl of Medals and the occasional farm tour and church retreat has transformed into a larger ministry as we've talked with other families and watched the landscape of our nation change. So here's a glimpse into the broader vision...
In a world where morality is subjective, children are left to their own devices, and the divorce rate is above sixty percent, it is time for a new way. Our Lady’s Ranch has begun a new way of salvation that is guided by the Catholic Church and the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje. We have dedicated the last twenty-five years to a homesteading lifestyle that brings healing and restoration to families... Now it is time to share our experiences with you.

Our Lady's Ranch Ministry: A Lifestyle for the Healing and Restoration of Families.
Family healing through homesteading is not a new idea...
“More than a few young people have already chosen this path;
also many professionals are returning to dedicate themselves
to the agricultural enterprise, feeling that they are responding not
only to a personal and family need, but also to a ‘sign of the times,’
to a concrete sensibility for the ‘common good.”
~ G.K. Chesterton
And we are not the only ones pursuing this lifestyle! The desire of young and old folks alike to return to the old ways of community within a rural setting has set the nation on fire as prices rise and our rights are further restricted. And as people have found the Family Friendly Farms website, we have been receiving more and more requests to learn about this community homesteading way of life that we've developed here.
We're very happy to share what we have learned over the past 25 years! On the website you'll find a treasure of stories and photos of faith, family, and farming. The site also contains a forum to chat with other people interested in this way of life, full documents detailing the spirituality and lifestyle of Our Lady's Ranch, a step-by-step guide on how to get started yourself, and a journal with multiple authors sharing entires regarding FAITH, FAMILY, and FARMING.
Feel free to let us know what you think! We would love to read some feedback from you old and new customer-friends who have stood by us over the years. Also, please feel free to forward this email to your family and friends who you think would love to join our growing network of people who love God, kids, and nature.
Blessings & Peace to you... ♥️ The Zeiter Family & Friends
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